Firstly, use aws’s UNLOAD command to save your redshift data to s3.

UNLOAD('your select sql statement')
TO 's3://bucketname/directory/file_prefix'
ACCESS_KEY_ID 'aws_id'

Above is just a unload template, just replace s3 location to save files which contains redshift data, aws key id and access key, also select command to select data what will be saved.

There are some extra command flags need explained:

  1. ALLOWOVERWRITE : The command can override origin existed data.

  2. ADDQUOTES : The default delimiter of upload command is pipe symbol, maybe you can use other delimiter, but we can not ensure the delimiter is not a part of some data. So just use ADDQUOTES to quote column data with "", which can help fix the problem that delimiter symbol may be contained in column data.

  3. ESCAPE : Add \ before some specific characters for CHAR and VARCHAR columns in unload files, such as: \r, \n, delimited character in unloaded data, \, " and '.

  4. PARALLEL : The redishfit will split saved data to multi files, but I think it is not useful if we want to download saved data files in s3 of one region to another region. So just use off to close it, and redshift will save data in one file as far as possible, if the data content is not exceed 6.2GB. It will helpful if you want to decrease data files number.

  5. GZIP : Use gzip compression to compress the saved data file to save s3 storage and decrease download bandwidth price.

  6. MANIFEST : Use a manifest file to save the saved data files url.

And then download the manifest and saved data files to your local computer, and upload these files to your s3 in another region. Lastly, use below template code to insert data to your redshift in your new region.

COPY table_name
FROM 's3://bucketname/directory/manifest_file_name'
ACCESS_KEY_ID 'aws_id'
  1. Use MANIFEST to tell the COPY command use manifest file to find the files to import.

  2. Use DATEFORMAT and TIMEFORMTAT with auto to let COPY command to process data and time format.

  3. Use ESCAPE to delete \ added by UNLOAD. So they occur with the each other in UNLOAD and COPY.

  4. Use GZIP to uncompressed gzip file.

  5. Use REMOVEQUOTES to remove quotes added by UNLOAD command.

The entire process is that save one region redshift data to s3 in the same region, then download s3 data in this region and upload it to s3 in another region, lastly just copy s3 data in another region to redshift in the same region. But there are something need to be focused.

If we want to transfer region A data to region B, so we save region A data to s3 in region A with directory s3://bucketname/data_transfer/data_transfer_. The above UNLOAD command will save data to data_transfer_00(maybe more files) and data_transfer_manifest. The data_transfer_manifest will save the data file location with s3://bucketname/data_transfer/data_transfer_000.

In region B, we must use same directory s3://bucketname/data_transfer to save uploaded data files. If not, the COPY command will do nothing because it can not find data file, or tell your error if you add "mandatory":true in manifest file.


Redshift COPY command

Redshift UNLOAD command