This article based on AOSP 9.0

From AOSP 9.0, if we click the recents button in navigation bar, the Launcher3 will show its recents view, instead of SystemUI. In another word, from AOSP 9.0, the SystemUI provide a method to implement recents out the SystemUI. And if there is an another implementation, the SystemUI will use its fallback implementation. The bridge that permits to implement another recents is OverviewProxyService in SystemUI.

Initialize OverviewProxyService


In Dependency.start, there is a piece of code to initialize OverviewProxyService:

mProviders.put(OverviewProxyService.class, () -> new OverviewProxyService(mContext));

And then, other code can use Dependency.get(OverviewProxyService.class) to get the OverviewProxyService instance, such as following code snippet in Recents:

mOverviewProxyService = Dependency.get(OverviewProxyService.class);


In OverviewProxyService, it get the recents component name from system config:

mRecentsComponentName = ComponentName.unflattenFromString(context.getString(;

The default config_recentsComponentName is, the RecentsActivity in Launcher3.

And then use got component name to create quick step service Intent:

private static final String ACTION_QUICKSTEP = "android.intent.action.QUICKSTEP_SERVICE";

mQuickStepIntent = new Intent(ACTION_QUICKSTEP)

Next, the OverviewProxyService will check the enable state of RecentsActivity:

private void updateEnabledState() {
    mIsEnabled = mContext.getPackageManager().resolveServiceAsUser(mQuickStepIntent,
            ActivityManagerWrapper.getInstance().getCurrentUserId()) != null;

If the RecentsActivity is enabled, there are all left things.


In NotificationLockscreenuserManager, if it receives the ACTION_USER_UNLOCKED broadcast, it will invoke OverviewProxyService.startConnectionToCurrentUser to start to connect the Launcher3 quick step service:

if (Intent.ACTION_USER_UNLOCKED.equals(action)) {
    // Start the overview connection to the launcher service


The OverviewProxyService.startConnectionToCurrentUser will use normal method to bind quick step service:

Intent launcherServiceIntent = new Intent(ACTION_QUICKSTEP)
boolean bound = false;
try {
    bound = mContext.bindServiceAsUser(launcherServiceIntent,
            mOverviewServiceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE,
} catch (SecurityException e) {
    Log.e(TAG_OPS, "Unable to bind because of security error", e);

If it is failed to bind quick step service, it will try again later; If it is successfully to bind quick step service, it will cast the received IBinder service to IOverviewProxy:

private final ServiceConnection mOverviewServiceConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
    public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
        mOverviewProxy = IOverviewProxy.Stub.asInterface(service);
        try {
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            Log.e(TAG_OPS, "Failed to call onBind()", e);

And then use onBind method to pass its mSysUiProxy:

private ISystemUiProxy mSysUiProxy = new ISystemUiProxy.Stub() {

interface ISystemUiProxy {
    GraphicBufferCompat screenshot(in Rect sourceCrop, int width, int height, int minLayer,
            int maxLayer, boolean useIdentityTransform, int rotation) = 0;
    void startScreenPinning(int taskId) = 1;
    void setInteractionState(int flags) = 4;
    void onSplitScreenInvoked() = 5;
    void onOverviewShown(boolean fromHome) = 6;
    Rect getNonMinimizedSplitScreenSecondaryBounds() = 7;
    void setBackButtonAlpha(float alpha, boolean animate) = 8;

Let’ do a summary of definite period, when the user unlocked, the OverviewProxyService will connect to quick step service, defined in pre-defined RecentsActivity package, in our occasion is Launcher3. The quick step service should receive the action android.intent.action.QUICKSTEP_SERVICE, and return IOverviewProxy instance as onBind method result. The OverviewProxyService will use IOverviewProxy’s onBind method to pass ISystemUiProxy instance to quick step service. In Launcher3, the quick step service is called TouchInteractionService. So the sequence of communication is as following graph:

     ,--------------------.                          ,-----------------------.
     |OverviewProxyService|                          |TouchInteractionService|
     `---------+----------'                          `-----------+-----------'
               |                   bind service                  |            
               | ------------------------------------------------>            
               |                                                 |            
               |          return IOverviewProxy instance         |            
               | <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -             
               |                                                 |            
               | use IOverviewProxy.onBind to pass ISystemUiProxy|            
               | ------------------------------------------------>            
     ,---------+----------.                          ,-----------+-----------.
     |OverviewProxyService|                          |TouchInteractionService|
     `--------------------'                          `-----------------------'

Now the OverviewProxyService in SystemUI has a proxy called IOverviewProxy to send command to Launcher3, and TouchInteractionService in Launcher3 has another proxy called ISysUiProxy to send command to SystemUI. What we should dig into is when to communication between them.

Show recents

Despite of using ALT + TAB, or clicking recents app button in navigation bar to show recents app, they will call the PhoneWindowManager.showRecentApps(boolean) to show the recents app. And later sequence is as following diagram:

     ,------------------.          ,----------.          ,------------.          ,-------.          ,------------------------------.
     |PhoneWindowManager|          |IStatusBar|          |CommandQueue|          |Recents|          |IOverviewProxy.onOverviewShown|
     `--------+---------'          `----+-----'          `-----+------'          `---+---'          `--------------+---------------'
              | showRecentsApps(boolean)|                      |                     |                             |                
              | ------------------------>                      |                     |                             |                
              |                         |                      |                     |                             |                
              |                         |    showRecentApps    |                     |                             |                
              |                         | --------------------->                     |                             |                
              |                         |                      |                     |                             |                
              |                         |                      |   showRecentApps    |                             |                
              |                         |                      | ------------------->|                             |                
              |                         |                      |                     |                             |                
              |                         |                      |                     |       showRecentApps        |                
              |                         |                      |                     |---------------------------->|                
     ,--------+---------.          ,----+-----.          ,-----+------.          ,---+---.          ,--------------+---------------.
     |PhoneWindowManager|          |IStatusBar|          |CommandQueue|          |Recents|          |IOverviewProxy.onOverviewShown|
     `------------------'          `----------'          `------------'          `-------'          `------------------------------'

If Recents finds the existing IOverviewProxy, it will call the IOverviewProxy.onOverviewShown and return; otherwise it will show the fallback recents in SystemUI. Other operation such as hide recents, use the likely sequence.

Set back button alpha

When TouchInteractionService receives the ISystemUiProxy, it will pass it to its inner state, such as OverviewInteractionState. If OverviewInteractionState wants to set the alpha of back button in navigation bar, it will call the ISystemUiProxy.setBackButtonAlpha:

private void applyBackButtonAlpha(float alpha, boolean animate) {
    if (mISystemUiProxy == null) {
    try {
        mISystemUiProxy.setBackButtonAlpha(alpha, animate);
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Unable to update overview back button alpha", e);

In OverviewProxyService’s ISystemUiProxy instance, it will response the command at its setBackButtonAlpha method:

public void setBackButtonAlpha(float alpha, boolean animate) {
    long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
    try { -> {
            notifyBackButtonAlphaChanged(alpha, animate);
    } finally {

The left thing is SystemUI’s response to set back button alpha command by set the alpha for back button.


The core of OverviewProxyService is to connect to service with the specific action, and exchange the defined proxy instance to communicate with each. When SystemUI wants to change the state, it will notify the Launcher3 with proxy IOverviewProxy, and if Launcher3 wants to change the state, it will notify the SystemUI with proxy ISystemUiProxy. The left thing is to hook the proxy interface invoking in correct point. The structure is clear and simple, and we can use the similar structure to do the similar things.