This article based on AOSP 9.0.

The Android UI rendering pipeline has following five stages:

  1. Application’s UI thread process input events, calls app’s callbacks, and updates the View hierarchy’s list of recorded drawing commands.
  2. Application’s RenderThread issues the recorded commands to the GPU.
  3. GPU draws the frame.
  4. SurfaceFlinger, which is the system service in charge of displaying the different application windows on the screen, composes the screen and submits the frame to the display HAL.
  5. Display presents the frame.

The entire pipeline is controlled by the Android Choreographer. The Choreographer is based on the display vertical synchronization (vsync) events, which indicate the time the display start to scanout the image and update the display pixels.

So the vsync events are the base model for Android UI rendering pipeline. This article is to analyze the AOSP vsync model to show how the Android UI rendering pipeline works.

vsync events source

The SurfaceFlinger uses the HWC to generate vsync events, and the HWC sends the events to SurfaceFlinger. It is the start of vsync events.

In SurfaceFlinger::init(), the SurfaceFlinger will register itself as callback for HWC to receive the vsync events from HWC.


getBE().mHwc->registerCallback(this, getBE().mComposerSequenceId);


void Device::registerCallback(ComposerCallback* callback, int32_t sequenceId) {
    if (mRegisteredCallback) {
        ALOGW("Callback already registered. Ignored extra registration "
    mRegisteredCallback = true;
    sp<ComposerCallbackBridge> callbackBridge(
            new ComposerCallbackBridge(callback, sequenceId));

When the HWC generated the vsync event, it will invoke SurfaceFlinger::onVsyncReceived to notify the vsync event.

void SurfaceFlinger::onVsyncReceived(int32_t sequenceId, hwc2_display_t displayId, int64_t timestamp) {
    Mutex::Autolock lock(mStateLock);
    // Ignore any vsyncs from a previous hardware composer.
    if (sequenceId != getBE().mComposerSequenceId) {

    int32_t type;
    if (!getBE().mHwc->onVsync(displayId, timestamp, &type)) {

    bool needsHwVsync = false;

    { // Scope for the lock
        Mutex::Autolock _l(mHWVsyncLock);
        if (type == DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_PRIMARY && mPrimaryHWVsyncEnabled) {
            needsHwVsync = mPrimaryDispSync.addResyncSample(timestamp);

    if (needsHwVsync) {
    } else {

The SurfaceFlinger will invoke mPrimaryDispSync(type is DispSync)’s addResyncSample to notify the vsync event. If the DispSync thinks its internal model matches the HWC vsync events, it will return false to notify the SurfaceFlinger to disable HWC vsync events generation. Otherwise, it will return true to notify the SurfaceFlinger to receive HWC vsync events again, and use later vsync events to correct its internal model. We will analyze it later.


The DispSync is a very important utility class.

It maintains a model of the periodic hardware-based vsync events of a display and uses that model to execute period callbacks at specific phase offsets from the hardware vsync events. The model is constructed by feeding consecutive hardware event timestamps to the DispSync object via the addResyncSample method. The model is validated using timestaps from Fence objects that are passed to the DispSync object via the addPresentFence method. These fence timestamps should correspond to a hardware vsync event, but they need not be consecutive hardware vsync times. If this method determines that the current model accurately represents the hardware vsync event times it will return false to indicate that a resynchronization (vai addResyncSample) is not needed.

The above description of DispSync is copied from DispSync.h comments. It illustrates the function of DispSync. It uses the hardware-base vsync events to construct its internal model, and then notifying callback the vsync event periodic based on its internal model. Also the SurfaceFlinger will check DispSync’s internal model’s accuracy, and use addResyncSample to re-construct its internal model if SurfaceFlinger thinks DispSync’s internal model’s accuracy is not enough.

In other word, the DispSync is the middle level of real hardware-based vsync events, and received vsync events of callback. It will feed hardware-based vsync events, and simulate it in software. Also there is a mechanism to correct its simulated model.

Internal model

There are three important fields for internal model:

  1. mPeriod: The mPeriod is the refresh interval or vsync events interval, and the value is got from HWC. For example, the mPeriod is about 16.66ms for 60HZ refresh rate. The DispSync will recalculate it based on the real occasion.
  2. mPhase: The mPhase is the phase offset of the modeled vsync events. It is the number of nanoseconds from time 0 to the first vsync event. The first vsync event in this sentence is the first resync event added by addResyncSample.
  3. mReferenceTime: The mReferenceTime is the reference time of the modeled vsync events. It is the nanosecond timestamp of the first vsync event after a resync.

The DispSync also has a internal thread class called DispSyncThread to use calculated model fields to notify the callbacks the vsync event periodic.

When the SurfaceFlinger calls DispSync::addResyncSample to feed hardware-based vsync event to DispSync, it will use them to simulate its internal model.

bool DispSync::addResyncSample(nsecs_t timestamp) {
    Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);

    size_t idx = (mFirstResyncSample + mNumResyncSamples) % MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES;
    mResyncSamples[idx] = timestamp;
    if (mNumResyncSamples == 0) {
        mPhase = 0;
        mReferenceTime = timestamp;
        mThread->updateModel(mPeriod, mPhase, mReferenceTime);

    if (mNumResyncSamples < MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES) {
    } else {
        mFirstResyncSample = (mFirstResyncSample + 1) % MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES;


    if (mNumResyncSamplesSincePresent++ > MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES_WITHOUT_PRESENT) {

    if (mIgnorePresentFences) {
        // If we don't have the sync framework we will never have
        // addPresentFence called.  This means we have no way to know whether
        // or not we're synchronized with the HW vsyncs, so we just request
        // that the HW vsync events be turned on whenever we need to generate
        // SW vsync events.
        return mThread->hasAnyEventListeners();

    // Check against kErrorThreshold / 2 to add some hysteresis before having to
    // resync again
    bool modelLocked = mModelUpdated && mError < (kErrorThreshold / 2);
    return !modelLocked;

If the added resync sample is the first resync sample, it will reset the mPhase, mReferenceTime, and pass them to DispSyncThread to update its model fields. Otherwise, it will save the resync sample, and in updateModelLocked, it will use MIN_RESYNC_SAMPLES_FOR_UPDATE saved consecutive resync samples to calculate the internal model fields, and update it to DispSyncThread.

void DispSync::updateModelLocked() {
    if (mNumResyncSamples >= MIN_RESYNC_SAMPLES_FOR_UPDATE) {
        nsecs_t durationSum = 0;
        nsecs_t minDuration = INT64_MAX;
        nsecs_t maxDuration = 0;
        for (size_t i = 1; i < mNumResyncSamples; i++) {
            size_t idx = (mFirstResyncSample + i) % MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES;
            size_t prev = (idx + MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES - 1) % MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES;
            nsecs_t duration = mResyncSamples[idx] - mResyncSamples[prev];
            durationSum += duration;
            minDuration = min(minDuration, duration);
            maxDuration = max(maxDuration, duration);

        // Exclude the min and max from the average
        durationSum -= minDuration + maxDuration;
        mPeriod = durationSum / (mNumResyncSamples - 3);

        double sampleAvgX = 0;
        double sampleAvgY = 0;
        double scale = 2.0 * M_PI / double(mPeriod);
        // Intentionally skip the first sample
        for (size_t i = 1; i < mNumResyncSamples; i++) {
            size_t idx = (mFirstResyncSample + i) % MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES;
            nsecs_t sample = mResyncSamples[idx] - mReferenceTime;
            double samplePhase = double(sample % mPeriod) * scale;
            sampleAvgX += cos(samplePhase);
            sampleAvgY += sin(samplePhase);

        sampleAvgX /= double(mNumResyncSamples - 1);
        sampleAvgY /= double(mNumResyncSamples - 1);

        mPhase = nsecs_t(atan2(sampleAvgY, sampleAvgX) / scale);

        if (mPhase < -(mPeriod / 2)) {
            mPhase += mPeriod;

        // Artificially inflate the period if requested.
        mPeriod += mPeriod * mRefreshSkipCount;

        mThread->updateModel(mPeriod, mPhase, mReferenceTime);
        mModelUpdated = true;

The updateModelLocked will use the average revsync sample interval to calculate the more accurate mPeriod. For example, the 60fps refresh rate’s ideal vsync event interval is 16.66ms, if we consider the latencies, the real interval may be 17.**ms or 16.**ms or 15.**ms. Because it uses the average value of MIN_RESYNC_SAMPLES_FOR_UPDATE - 3(MIN_RESYNC_SAMPLES_FOR_UPDATE is 6), so the calculated mPeriod can represent the real state.

And then the updateModelLocked will use formula mean of angles to calculate the more accurate mPhase based on the average revsync sample reference time difference.

After calculating, the updateModelLocked will update calculated fields to DispSyncThread and set mModelUpdated to true. The mModelUpdated is true will trigger SurfaceFlinger to disable HWC to generate vsync events.


if (needsHwVsync) {
} else {

When the SurfaceFlinger calls DispSync::addPresentFence to check the internal model accuracy, the DipsSync::addPresentFence will call DispSync::updateErrorLocked to calculate the error square sum:

void DispSync::updateErrorLocked() {
    if (!mModelUpdated) {
    // Need to compare present fences against the un-adjusted refresh period,
    // since they might arrive between two events.
    nsecs_t period = mPeriod / (1 + mRefreshSkipCount);
    int numErrSamples = 0;
    nsecs_t sqErrSum = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PRESENT_SAMPLES; i++) {
        // Only check for the cached value of signal time to avoid unecessary
        // syscalls. It is the responsibility of the DispSync owner to
        // call getSignalTime() periodically so the cache is updated when the
        // fence signals.
        nsecs_t time = mPresentFences[i]->getCachedSignalTime();
        if (time == Fence::SIGNAL_TIME_PENDING || time == Fence::SIGNAL_TIME_INVALID) {

        nsecs_t sample = time - mReferenceTime;
        if (sample <= mPhase) {

        nsecs_t sampleErr = (sample - mPhase) % period;
        if (sampleErr > period / 2) {
            sampleErr -= period;
        sqErrSum += sampleErr * sampleErr;

    if (numErrSamples > 0) {
        mError = sqErrSum / numErrSamples;
        mZeroErrSamplesCount = 0;
    } else {
        mError = 0;
        // Use mod ACCEPTABLE_ZERO_ERR_SAMPLES_COUNT to avoid log spam.

If the square sum is larger than the kErrorThreadshold(static const nsecs_t kErrorThreshold = 160000000000), the DispSync::addPresentFence will trigger SurfaceFlinger::enableHardwareVsync() to use hardware-base vsync to correct DispSync internal model.


DispSyncThread is defined in DispSync.cpp, and it is a normal thread. Its threadLoop method will loop to find the next target time to send the vsync event to callback. If the target time is not now, it will sleep to wait for it. If there is any callback, it will sleep to wait the new callback.

virtual bool threadLoop() {
    status_t err;
    nsecs_t now = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
    while (true) {
        Vector<CallbackInvocation> callbackInvocations;
        nsecs_t targetTime = 0;
        { // Scope for lock
            Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
            // Other code to check state
            targetTime = computeNextEventTimeLocked(now);
            bool isWakeup = false;
            if (now < targetTime) {
                if (targetTime == INT64_MAX) {
                    err = mCond.wait(mMutex);
                } else {
                    err = mCond.waitRelative(mMutex, targetTime - now);
                if (err == TIMED_OUT) {
                    isWakeup = true;
                } else if (err != NO_ERROR) {
                    return false;
            now = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
            // Don't correct by more than 1.5 ms
            static const nsecs_t kMaxWakeupLatency = us2ns(1500);
            if (isWakeup) {
                mWakeupLatency = ((mWakeupLatency * 63) + (now - targetTime)) / 64;
                mWakeupLatency = min(mWakeupLatency, kMaxWakeupLatency);
            callbackInvocations = gatherCallbackInvocationsLocked(now);
        if (callbackInvocations.size() > 0) {
    return false;

The DispSyncThread::computeNextEventTimeLocked is to find the nearest next target time of all callbacks, and check the target time to select whether to sleep to wait. If it sleeps to wait and wakeups with timeout, it will add wakeup latency to the later calculation. And then it will use gatherCallbackInvocationsLocked to collect callbacks that next target time is less than now now. Lastly, the DispSyncThread::threadLoop will use fireCallbackInvocations to notify the vsync event to callbacks. And then, the threadLoop enters to next loop.

nsecs_t computeListenerNextEventTimeLocked(const EventListener& listener, nsecs_t baseTime) {
    nsecs_t lastEventTime = listener.mLastEventTime + mWakeupLatency;
    if (baseTime < lastEventTime) {
        baseTime = lastEventTime;
    baseTime -= mReferenceTime;
    nsecs_t phase = mPhase + listener.mPhase;
    baseTime -= phase;
    // If our previous time is before the reference (because the reference
    // has since been updated), the division by mPeriod will truncate
    // towards zero instead of computing the floor. Since in all cases
    // before the reference we want the next time to be effectively now, we
    // set baseTime to -mPeriod so that numPeriods will be -1.
    // When we add 1 and the phase, we will be at the correct event time for
    // this period.
    if (baseTime < 0) {
        baseTime = -mPeriod;
    nsecs_t numPeriods = baseTime / mPeriod;
    nsecs_t t = (numPeriods + 1) * mPeriod + phase;
    t += mReferenceTime;
    // Check that it's been slightly more than half a period since the last
    // event so that we don't accidentally fall into double-rate vsyncs
    if (t - listener.mLastEventTime < (3 * mPeriod / 5)) {
        t += mPeriod;
    t -= mWakeupLatency;
    return t;

The method to calculate the callback’s next target time is DispSyncThread::computeListenerNextEventTimeLocked, and it will use mPeriod,mPhase and mReferenceTime passed from DispSync to calculate the callback’s next target time. The final phase is the plus of mPhase and listener.mPhase. The listener.mPhase has two possibly values in current code base: SurfaceFlinger::vsyncPhaseOffsetNs for app, and SurfaceFlinger::sfVsyncPhaseOffsetNs for SurfaceFlinger. We will discuss it in later part.

The DispSyncThread::gatherCallbackInvocationsLocked compares current time with all callbacks next target time, and collects next target time is less than current time. It’s very simple.

The DispSyncThread::fireCallbackInvocations will call callback’s onDispSyncEvent to notify the vsync event.

void fireCallbackInvocations(const Vector<CallbackInvocation>& callbacks) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < callbacks.size(); i++) {

VsyncSource and EventThread

The DispSyncThread will call callback’s onDispSyncEvent to notify the new vsync event. The callback is DispVsyncSource defined in SurfaceFlinger.cpp. In DispVsyncSource::setVsyncEnabled method, it will add itself as callback to mDispSync, which is mPrimaryDispSync in SurfaceFlinger.cpp with type DispSync.

void setVSyncEnabled(bool enable) override {
    Mutex::Autolock lock(mVsyncMutex);
    if (enable) {
        status_t err = mDispSync->addEventListener(mName, mPhaseOffset,
        if (err != NO_ERROR) {
            ALOGE("error registering vsync callback: %s (%d)",
                    strerror(-err), err);
    } else {
        status_t err = mDispSync->removeEventListener(
        if (err != NO_ERROR) {
            ALOGE("error unregistering vsync callback: %s (%d)",
                    strerror(-err), err);
    mEnabled = enable;

virtual void onDispSyncEvent(nsecs_t when) {
    VSyncSource::Callback* callback;
        Mutex::Autolock lock(mCallbackMutex);
        callback = mCallback;

        if (mTraceVsync) {
            mValue = (mValue + 1) % 2;
    if (callback != nullptr) {

The DispVysncSource is a middle level between DispSync and the real callback.

In SurfaceFlinger::init(), the SurfaceFlinger will create two DispVsyncSource instances:

mEventThreadSource =
        std::make_unique<DispSyncSource>(&mPrimaryDispSync, SurfaceFlinger::vsyncPhaseOffsetNs,
                                            true, "app");
mEventThread = std::make_unique<impl::EventThread>(mEventThreadSource.get(),
                                                    [this]() { resyncWithRateLimit(); },
mSfEventThreadSource =
                                            SurfaceFlinger::sfVsyncPhaseOffsetNs, true, "sf");

mSFEventThread =
                                            [this]() { resyncWithRateLimit(); },
                                            [this](nsecs_t timestamp) {

The mEventThreadSource is for app, and mSFEventThreadSource is for SurfaceFlinger. They will use SurfaceFlinger::vsyncPhaseOffsetNs and SurfaceFlinger::sfVsyncPhaseOffsetNs as the input value for mPhase of DispVsyncSource, that will set to listener’s mPhase, what we saw before.

From the code, we can know DispVsyncSource will passed to create EventThread, and in EventThread::enableVSyncLocked, the EventThread will set itself as DispVsyncSource’s callback:

void EventThread::enableVSyncLocked() {
    if (!mUseSoftwareVSync) {
        // never enable h/w VSYNC when screen is off
        if (!mVsyncEnabled) {
            mVsyncEnabled = true;
    mDebugVsyncEnabled = true;

So the real callback is EventThread. We will discuss when to call enableVsyncLocked later, so we will focus on the logic to response to vsync event.

void EventThread::onVSyncEvent(nsecs_t timestamp) {
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
    mVSyncEvent[0].header.type = DisplayEventReceiver::DISPLAY_EVENT_VSYNC;
    mVSyncEvent[0] = 0;
    mVSyncEvent[0].header.timestamp = timestamp;

EventThread::onVsyncEvent just keeps the vsync event timestamp, and notify its internal condition object. EventThread is not a thread, but it contains a thread instance, mThread. And EventThread::threadMain is the loop method of mThread. In EventThread’s constructor, it initializes the mThread and starts it to run its threadMain method.

EventThread::EventThread(VSyncSource* src, ResyncWithRateLimitCallback resyncWithRateLimitCallback,
                         InterceptVSyncsCallback interceptVSyncsCallback, const char* threadName)
      : mVSyncSource(src),
         mThreadName(threadName) {
    // Other initialization code
    mThread = std::thread(&EventThread::threadMain, this);
    pthread_setname_np(mThread.native_handle(), threadName);
    // Other thread initialization code

EventThread::threadMain is very simple, it will use EventThread::waitForEventLocked to wait for event, and post events to the remote listener when it receives the new vsync event.

void EventThread::threadMain() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
    while (mKeepRunning) {
        DisplayEventReceiver::Event event;
        Vector<sp<EventThread::Connection> > signalConnections;
        signalConnections = waitForEventLocked(&lock, &event);
        // dispatch events to listeners...
        const size_t count = signalConnections.size();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            const sp<Connection>& conn(signalConnections[i]);
            // now see if we still need to report this event
            status_t err = conn->postEvent(event);
            if (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EWOULDBLOCK) {
            } else if (err < 0) {
                // handle any other error on the pipe as fatal. the only
                // reasonable thing to do is to clean-up this connection.
                // The most common error we'll get here is -EPIPE.

In EventThread::waitForEventLocked will check the current mVsyncEvent timestamp, that updated by EventThread::onVsyncEvent.

  1. If it is valid and there are listeners, it will add listener to returned signalConnections.
  2. If the timestamp is not valid, and there are no listeners, it will call EventThread::disableVsyncLocked() to disable the receiving vsync events from DispVsyncSource.
  3. If it is not valid and but there are listeners, it will call EventThread::enableVsyncLocked to ensure itself can receive next vsync event from DispVyncSource. And it will sleep to wait vsync event.

We have saw there are two EventThread instances in SurfaceFlinger, mEventThread and mSfEventThread. The first is used to notify the vsync events to remote listeners for app, and the second is used to notify the vsync events to SurfaceFlinger. After the DispSyncSource receives the vsync event, it will send it to its responding EventThread to manage. So one DispSync manages multiple DispVsyncSources, and one DispVyncSource manage one EventThread. One EventThread manages multiple remote listeners called Connection.

Connection and BitTube

In EventThread::threadMain, we know the EventThread use Connection to post vsync event to remote listener. The Connection is defined EventThread.h. The Connection is also a BnDisplayEventConnection type, so its some methods can be called by binder.

In EventThread::Connection::onFirstRef it will call EventThread::registerDisplayEventConnection to add itself to EventThread for later postEvent:

void EventThread::Connection::onFirstRef() {
    // NOTE: mEventThread doesn't hold a strong reference on us

Before we analyze EventThread::Connection::postEvent, we should introduce the BitTube. The BitTube is a wrapper for paired socket. It has two fd called mReceiveFd and mSendFd for receiver and sender to communication. In its BitTube::init method, it will initialize the paired socket:

void BitTube::init(size_t rcvbuf, size_t sndbuf) {
    int sockets[2];
    if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0, sockets) == 0) {
        size_t size = DEFAULT_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE;
        setsockopt(sockets[0], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &rcvbuf, sizeof(rcvbuf));
        setsockopt(sockets[1], SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &sndbuf, sizeof(sndbuf));
        // since we don't use the "return channel", we keep it small...
        setsockopt(sockets[0], SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &size, sizeof(size));
        setsockopt(sockets[1], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &size, sizeof(size));
        fcntl(sockets[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
        fcntl(sockets[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
    } else {
        ALOGE("BitTube: pipe creation failed (%s)", strerror(errno));

After initialization, the real receiver will steal the client’s mReceiveFd to its BitTube instance mReceiveFd, and receive the socket data from client’s BitTube. It’s useful for IPC. The Connection has a BitTube instance as its field.

The EventThread::Connection::postEvent just uses DisplayEventReceiver::sendEvents to use mChannel(type is BitTube) to send event data based on socket:

status_t EventThread::Connection::postEvent(const DisplayEventReceiver::Event& event) {
    ssize_t size = DisplayEventReceiver::sendEvents(&mChannel, &event, 1);
    return size < 0 ? status_t(size) : status_t(NO_ERROR);

ssize_t DisplayEventReceiver::sendEvents(gui::BitTube* dataChannel,
        Event const* events, size_t count)
    return gui::BitTube::sendObjects(dataChannel, events, count);

DisplayEventReceiver and DisplayEventDispatcher

The DisplayEventReceiver is the Connection receiver in app part, and the DisplayEventDispatcher is the dispatcher in app native part. When the SurfaceFlinger received an vsync event, it will use BitTube to send data to DisplayEventReceiver and notify the DisplayEventDispatcher to dispatch to java part; when the app part wants to next vsync event, it will invoke DisplayEventReceiver method to invoke its internal Connection method to use binder to update SurfaceFlinger part state.

In DisplayEventReceiver::DisplayEventReceiver, it will call SurfaceFlinger::createDisplayEvent to create a Connection instance:

DisplayEventReceiver::DisplayEventReceiver(ISurfaceComposer::VsyncSource vsyncSource) {
    sp<ISurfaceComposer> sf(ComposerService::getComposerService());
    if (sf != NULL) {
        mEventConnection = sf->createDisplayEventConnection(vsyncSource);
        if (mEventConnection != NULL) {
            mDataChannel = std::make_unique<gui::BitTube>();

sp<IDisplayEventConnection> SurfaceFlinger::createDisplayEventConnection(
        ISurfaceComposer::VsyncSource vsyncSource) {
    if (vsyncSource == eVsyncSourceSurfaceFlinger) {
        return mSFEventThread->createEventConnection();
    } else {
        return mEventThread->createEventConnection();

The SurfaceFlinger::createDisplayEventConnection will add Connection instance in EventThread managed list. In DisplayEventReceiver::DisplayEventReceiver, the DisplayEventReceiver will use Connection::stealReceiveChannel to change the connection’s receive fd to its data channel. So when the EventThread::Connection::postEvent post event by BitTube, the DisplayEventReceiver’s mDataChannel will receive the socket data.

The DisplayEventDispatcher has a DisplayEventReceiver instance, and use its mDataChannel’s mReceiveFd as the Looper listening fd. When the EventThread::Connection::postEvent, the mLooper will be notified. And then DisplayEventDispatcher::handleEvent will be called to call DisplayEventReceiver::getEvents to read event data from socket.

DisplayEventDispatcher::DisplayEventDispatcher(const sp<Looper>& looper,
        ISurfaceComposer::VsyncSource vsyncSource) :
        mLooper(looper), mReceiver(vsyncSource), mWaitingForVsync(false) {
    ALOGV("dispatcher %p ~ Initializing display event dispatcher.", this);

status_t DisplayEventDispatcher::initialize() {
    status_t result = mReceiver.initCheck();
    if (result) {
        ALOGW("Failed to initialize display event receiver, status=%d", result);
        return result;

    int rc = mLooper->addFd(mReceiver.getFd(), 0, Looper::EVENT_INPUT,
            this, NULL);
    if (rc < 0) {
        return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
    return OK;

int DisplayEventDispatcher::handleEvent(int, int events, void*) {
    if (events & (Looper::EVENT_ERROR | Looper::EVENT_HANGUP)) {
        return 0; // remove the callback
    if (!(events & Looper::EVENT_INPUT)) {
        return 1; // keep the callback
    // Drain all pending events, keep the last vsync.
    nsecs_t vsyncTimestamp;
    int32_t vsyncDisplayId;
    uint32_t vsyncCount;
    if (processPendingEvents(&vsyncTimestamp, &vsyncDisplayId, &vsyncCount)) {
        mWaitingForVsync = false;
        dispatchVsync(vsyncTimestamp, vsyncDisplayId, vsyncCount);
    return 1; // keep the callback

bool DisplayEventDispatcher::processPendingEvents(
        nsecs_t* outTimestamp, int32_t* outId, uint32_t* outCount) {
    bool gotVsync = false;
    DisplayEventReceiver::Event buf[EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE];
    ssize_t n;
    while ((n = mReceiver.getEvents(buf, EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0) {
        for (ssize_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            const DisplayEventReceiver::Event& ev = buf[i];
            switch (ev.header.type) {
            case DisplayEventReceiver::DISPLAY_EVENT_VSYNC:
                // Later vsync events will just overwrite the info from earlier
                // ones. That's fine, we only care about the most recent.
                gotVsync = true;
                *outTimestamp = ev.header.timestamp;
                *outId =;
                *outCount = ev.vsync.count;
            // Other code
    return gotVsync;

The dispatchVsync will be invoked to dispatch vsync event to java part after reading event data from socket. The dispatchVsync is implemented by NativeDisplayEventReceiver in android_view_DisplayEventReceiver.cpp.

void NativeDisplayEventReceiver::dispatchVsync(nsecs_t timestamp, int32_t id, uint32_t count) {
    JNIEnv* env = AndroidRuntime::getJNIEnv();
    ScopedLocalRef<jobject> receiverObj(env, jniGetReferent(env, mReceiverWeakGlobal));
    if (receiverObj.get()) {
                gDisplayEventReceiverClassInfo.dispatchVsync, timestamp, id, count);
    mMessageQueue->raiseAndClearException(env, "dispatchVsync");

It will call’s dispatchVsync to dispatch vsync event. And finally, Choreographer.onVsync will be invoked. And onVsync will use Handler to call the Choreographer.doFrame to notify the java part to update the UI content.

void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos, int frame) {
    // Other check code
    try {
        Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW, "Choreographer#doFrame");
        AnimationUtils.lockAnimationClock(frameTimeNanos / TimeUtils.NANOS_PER_MS);

        doCallbacks(Choreographer.CALLBACK_INPUT, frameTimeNanos);

        doCallbacks(Choreographer.CALLBACK_ANIMATION, frameTimeNanos);

        doCallbacks(Choreographer.CALLBACK_TRAVERSAL, frameTimeNanos);

        doCallbacks(Choreographer.CALLBACK_COMMIT, frameTimeNanos);
    } finally {
    // Other code

There are four stages: input, animation, traversal and commit. The most of them will be processed by ViewRootImpl. The CALLBACK_TRAVERSAL callback is ViewRootImpl.doTraversal, that is the entry point of view subsystem updating in java part.


The DisplayEventReceiver is used by app part, so what about SurfaceFlinger part? The receiver for SurfaceFlinger is MessageQueue.

In SurfaceFlinger::init, the SurfaceFlinger will pass mSFEventThread to MessageQueue:


void SurfaceFlinger::onFirstRef()

void MessageQueue::init(const sp<SurfaceFlinger>& flinger) {
    mFlinger = flinger;
    mLooper = new Looper(true);
    mHandler = new Handler(*this);

void MessageQueue::setEventThread(android::EventThread* eventThread) {
    if (mEventThread == eventThread) {

    if (mEventTube.getFd() >= 0) {

    mEventThread = eventThread;
    mEvents = eventThread->createEventConnection();
    mLooper->addFd(mEventTube.getFd(), 0, Looper::EVENT_INPUT, MessageQueue::cb_eventReceiver,

The MessageQueue::setEventThread will create Connection of passed EventThread, which is mSFEventThread. And then it will steal created Connection’s receiver fd to its mEventTube.getFd(), just likes DisplayEventReceiver::DisplayEventReceiver. So we can consider MessageQueue as SurfaceFlinger’s DisplayEventReceiver.

When the mLooper notified by socket data, it will call MessageQueue::cb_eventReceiver to process the event:

int MessageQueue::cb_eventReceiver(int fd, int events, void* data) {
    MessageQueue* queue = reinterpret_cast<MessageQueue*>(data);
    return queue->eventReceiver(fd, events);

int MessageQueue::eventReceiver(int /*fd*/, int /*events*/) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (buffer[i].header.type == DisplayEventReceiver::DISPLAY_EVENT_VSYNC) {
    return 1;

It’s very similar with DisplayEventDispatcher. When the vsyn event coming for SurfaceFlinger, the MessageQueue::dispatchInvalidate will trigger SurfaceFlinger::onMessageReceived to invalidate the surfaces. The next operation is SurfaceFlinger::handleMessageRefresh, that combines many familiar operations: rebuildLayerStacks, doComposition, postComposition. They will compose the surfaces with GPU and HWC, and post them to GPU to display to show.

When to enable vsync?

From the above analyzing, we know if no-body is interested in vsync, the SurfaceFlinger will disable the vsync, and remove calback from DispSync(see DisplayVsyncSource::setVSynvEnabled). So there is a problem we should to sovle is when to enable vsync after vsync is disabled?

To explain this problem, we will use a real occasion - clicking the launcher icon after system is stable without any view changing - to see what happens.

After click the launcher icon, the InputFlinger starts to dispatch touch event to And the Launcher3 responses onTouchEvent to start animation. The AnimationHandler.MyFrameCallbackProvider calls the Choreographer.postCallback to post callback, that will trigger Choreographer.scheduleVsyncLocked.

The scheduleVsyncLocked will notify the EventThread with a long invoking-chain: scheduleVsyncLocked -> scheduleVsync -> nativeScheduleVsync -> NativeDisplayEventReceiver::scheduleVsync -> DisplayEventDispatcher::scheduleVsync -> DisplayEventReceiver::requestNextVsync -> EventThread::Connection::requestNextVsync -> EventThread::requestNextVsync.

void EventThread::requestNextVsync(const sp<EventThread::Connection>& connection) {
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);

    if (mResyncWithRateLimitCallback) {

    if (connection->count < 0) {
        connection->count = 0;

The EventThread::requestNextVsync will call mResyncWithRateLimitCallback, passed by EventThread constructor. In SurfaceFlinger::init, we knows the mResyncWithRateLimitCallback is SurfaceFlinger::resyncWithRateLimit:

void SurfaceFlinger::resyncWithRateLimit() {
    static constexpr nsecs_t kIgnoreDelay = ms2ns(500);
    // No explicit locking is needed here since EventThread holds a lock while calling this method
    static nsecs_t sLastResyncAttempted = 0;
    const nsecs_t now = systemTime();
    if (now - sLastResyncAttempted > kIgnoreDelay) {
    sLastResyncAttempted = now;

void SurfaceFlinger::resyncToHardwareVsync(bool makeAvailable) {
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mHWVsyncLock);
    if (makeAvailable) {
        mHWVsyncAvailable = true;
    } else if (!mHWVsyncAvailable) {
        // Hardware vsync is not currently available, so abort the resync
        // attempt for now

    const auto& activeConfig = getBE().mHwc->getActiveConfig(HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY);
    const nsecs_t period = activeConfig->getVsyncPeriod();


    if (!mPrimaryHWVsyncEnabled) {
        //eventControl(HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY, SurfaceFlinger::EVENT_VSYNC, true);
        mPrimaryHWVsyncEnabled = true;

The SurfaceFlinger::resyncWithRateLimit will call SurfaceFlinger::resyncToHardwareVsync to enable vsync, which will add DispSyncSource as callback to DispSync to receive the vsync event.

The above process is for app, what about SurfaceFlinger?

In the end of ViewRootImpl.draw, it will call ThreadedRenderer.draw to send updated frame to GPU. The invoking process is also long:

ThreadedRenderer.draw -> ThreadedRenderer.nSyncAndDrawFrame -> android_view_ThreadedRenderer::android_view_ThreadedRenderer_syncAndDrawFrame -> RenderProxy::syncAndDrawFrame -> DrawFrameTask::drawFrame -> DrawFrameTask::run -> CanvasContext::draw -> RenderPipeline::draw(in my occasion is OpenGLPipeline) -> EglManager::swapBuffer -> eglApi::eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR -> Surface::queueBuffer -> BpGraphicBufferProducer::queueBuffer -> BufferQueueProducer::queueBuffer -> BpConsumerListener::onFrameAvailable -> ProxyConsumerListener::onFrameAvailable -> ConsumerBase::onFrameAvailable -> BufferLayer::onFrameAvailable -> SurfaceFlinger::signalLayerUpdate -> MessageQueue::invalidate.

The invoking after MessageQueue::invalidate, and it will add mSfEventThreadSource as the callback for vsync event.

Pull down refresh rate

In high refresh device, we can pull down the refresh rate to let app run smoothly in high refresh rate.

The DispSYnc::setRefreshSkipCount will set the mRefreshSkipCount, and use it to calculate its mPeriod in DispSync::updateModelLocked:

mPeriod += mPeriod * mRefreshSkipCount;

For exmple, current refresh rate is 90fps, the default mPeriod is 11ms. If we set mRefreshSkipCount to 1, the mPeriod will be 22ms, and the real refresh rate pulls down to 45fps. And it will give app more computing time before composition.


The HWC generates hardware-based vsync events, and it will be feed to DispSync to simulate its internal model corresponding HWC’s frame rate. If it finds the DispSync’s internal model is not accurate, it will use hardware-based vsync to correct it. If the DispSync internal model is thought as accurate, the SurfaceFlinger will disable the HWC generating.

The DispSync matains a internal model, and its internal thread DispSyncThread will use its model to find the next target time, and wait to it. When the next target time coming, it will send simulated vsync event to callback. If the upper level wants to receive the vsync event, it should add callback to DispSync. If there are no callbacks, the DispSyncThread will sleep to wait notify to reduce the unncessary computing. The DispSync is an one-multiple pattern for callback.

The EventThread is the real callback of DispSync, although there is a DispSyncSource in the middle. The EventThread manages EventThread::Connection to communicate with the real receiver. There are two EventThread instances, one is mEventThread for app, and another is mSFEventThread for SurfaceFlinger. So the EventThread is also an one-multiple pattern for EventThread::Connection. The EventThread::Connection is a Bn binder type, and it manages a paired socket. So the EventThread::Connection can use binder and socket to communicate.

For app, there are classes called DisplayEventReceiver and DisplayEventDispatcher to receive the event data from EventThread::Connection, and dispatch the event to Choreographer in java part.

When Choreographer receives the vsync event, it will arrange java part to update the view frame, and send it to GPU to draw. The draw operation will trigger SurfaceFlinger to receive the vsync event to do composition for surfaces, and send it to display to show. If the system receives input event after stable, it will trigger resync to EventThread, and notify the EventThread, DispSyncThread to do work.

The SurfaceFlinger provides a mechanism based on hardware-based vsync to provide period event to notify system to update content. And the system will control how to enable/disable this mechanism to reduce unncessary computing.