
I want to build and run Vulkan applications on Windows 11 that runs in VirtualBox. I have tried to upgrade VirtualBox to 7.x, a version with GPU improvements, but it didn’t enable the supporting for Vulkan. So I decide to use swiftshader.


git clone https://github.com/google/swiftshader.git --recursive
cd build
cmake .. -DSWIFTSHADER_ENABLE_VULKAN_DEBUGGER=0 -G "Visual Studio 17 2022"
cmake --build . --config Release

You can change the generate “Visual Studio 17 2022” based on your environment. I think “Visual Studio 16 2019” also can work.

We need to set SWIFTSHADER_ENABLE_VULKAN_DEBUGGER to 0 explicitly to avoid that system shows “Wait to debugger” dialog when running Vulkan applications.

After building, we can get related configuration files and dll files in the directory swiftshader/build/Windows.

Configure the swiftshader as the default Vulkan driver

We need to add the full path of vk_swiftshader_icd.json like C:\Users\test\swiftshader\build\Windows\vk_swiftshader_icd.json to the system environment variable called VK_DRIVER_FILES. THe VK_DRIVER_FILES will tell the the Vulkan loader the driver icd configuration file of swiftshader. And the Vulkan loader can find necessary swiftshader driver files based on this icd configuration json file.

Run Vulkan application

We can run Vulkan application with a CPU based Vulkan driver now.